Unión Fenosa Distribución, the electricity distribution subsidiary of GAS NATURAL FENOSA will invest 1.5 million euros in the project to bury the double circuit 66 kV Tibo Mourente power line (LAT), which connects the Mourente substation to the river Lérez. The works, which started at the end of March, consist in the construction of an approximately 2,000 metre-long underground canalisation, 634 of which were built by the Regional Government of Pontevedra within the framework of a partnership agreement between the Regional Government of Pontevedra, the Regional Council of Economic Affairs, Employment and Industry Unión Fenosa Distribución.
The approximately nine-month project to bury the power lines will involve taking down ten transmission towers and 1,525 metres of overhead power line which currently cross the urban area of Monteporreiro. The works to bury the Tibo Mourente LAT form part of the company’s 2018-2020 investment plan in the province of Pontevedra.
The Director of Unión Fenosa Distribución in Galicia, Julio Gonzalo, visited the site in Monteporreiro this morning, joined by the Regional Delegate of the Regional Government of Galicia in Pontevedra, Jose Manuel Cores Tourís, and the town councillors Demetrio Gómez and Alberte Oubiña.
According to Julio Gonzalo, “the trench to complete the existing canalisation will be opened next week and could be finished at the end of September, allowing power transmission to be transferred from overhead to underground by the end of the year”. Furthermore, the Director of Unión Fenosa announced that “all going according to plan, the existing transmission towers will be removed January”.
Largest electricity distributor in Galicia
Unión Fenosa Distribución provides service to more than 1.5 million supply points in 286 municipalities in the four provinces of Galicia through a network of over 58,500 kilometres of high-, medium- and low-voltage power lines. The electricity distributor invested almost 390 million euros in Galicia in the four-year period 2015-2018 to reinforce the network and improve supply quality.