Notas de prensa

The Santa María del Páramo (Leon) Town Council and NEDGIA Castilla y León representative in Zamora and Leon, Antonio A. Velázquez, took part in a meeting with town residents yesterday to explain the possibilities of installing natural gas in their homes.
The General Manager of NEDGIA Aragón, María Miró, and the President of APEFONCA in Zaragoza, José María Marcén, have signed a partnership agreement to support the spread of natural gas in Zaragoza.
Naturgy and GE Renewable Energy recently organised a rescue drill for a possible accident victim at the Peñarroldana wind farm, located in the municipality of Santa Eufemia del Barco in the province of Zamora.
Earlier today, the Director of Nedgia Navarra, María Miró, and the Chairman of Anafonca (the Navarre Association of Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning and Gas Companies and Related Businesses), José María Tabar, signed an agreement to foster the installation of natural gas in more homes, residential blocks and commercial establishments in Navarre through installation technicians who are members of Anafonca.
Naturgy presented its Strategic Plan for the period 2018-2022 to the market today in London, in which the group presents a solid position in the new environment of the global energy transition. In this way, the company is firmly convinced that gas and renewable energies will play a very important role in the energy transition, which will allow it to enhance its leadership in the gas business, along with its strong commitment to growth in renewable energies. In addition, the company’s infrastructure assets will also play a key role in the coming years, supporting greater electrification as well as greater gas penetration in the countries where it operates.
The executive chairman of Naturgy, Francisco Reynés, today chaired his first Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders since he was appointed last February, which took place today in Madrid.