Nedgia Aragón and APEFONCA encourage expansion of natural gas in Zaragoza

  • Under a new agreement, they are committed to creating a communication channel aimed at improving collaboration between the distribution company and members of the guild in order to improve services to end users.

The General Manager of NEDGIA Aragón, María Miró, and the President of APEFONCA in Zaragoza, José María Marcén, have signed a partnership agreement to support the spread of natural gas in Zaragoza.

Under the agreement, the natural gas distribution company for the Naturgy group in Aragon and the business association undertake to create a channel of communication to report on and update each other about the various technical advances and inform all members about this news. This will lead to better services to end users.

The two organisations will work together to increase the number of member companies offering new supply point connections, thereby enhancing the presence of natural gas in Aragon and promoting business activity for installers in the province, who will be able to benefit from significant advantages by working with the natural gas distribution company.

NEDGIA Aragón is also finalising the terms of the nationwide public tender for installation companies and professionals with APEFONCA and is offering its members a number of additional advantages: new mobility tools in business, assistance in the processing of contracts digitally, and commercial and technical training via basic courses for members.

Presence in Aragon

NEDGIA Aragón is the natural gas distribution company of the Naturgy group in Aragon. It has over 10,400 supply points and a distribution network of 400 kilometres that channels nearly 9,000 GWh/year. The company supplies natural gas in four municipalities of the region and on more than 30 industrial estates.


The Zaragoza Provincial Association of Plumbing, Heating, Gas, Air Conditioning, Fire Protection and Maintenance Companies and Related Businesses was set up in 1977 under the auspices of Spanish Law 19/1977 on regulation of the right to trade union membership, with a view to coordinating, representing, managing and defending the common interests of its member companies and professionals. It currently has more than 300 member companies and professionals in the sector.
