GAS NATURAL FENOSA takes part in the second Galicia Energy Fair, a meeting point and platform for technical and social dissemination about all types of energy. The fair will be held from today in Silleda (Pontevedra) until Saturday 24 March. The main themes of the fair are renewable energy, bioenergy and alternative fuels for the transport and farming industries, as well as sustainable mobility.
The energy company has a large stand at the fair, where guests are offered information about innovative and sustainable solutions such as mobility with vehicular natural gas, digitisation of the electricity distribution network to provide better information to connected customers, and the development of new technologies associated with biogas or renewable gas.
In Silleda, GAS NATURAL FENOSA will be presenting its plan to increase the number of CNG (compressed natural gas) stations for vehicles in Spain throughout this year, in order to allow vehicle natural gas to expand in Spain and respond to increases in demand in upcoming years. In Galicia, during the first stage, two gas refuelling stations will be opened in A Coruña and Vigo. GAS NATURAL FENOSA currently has 31 public natural gas stations operating in Spain, out of a total of 57 in operation nationwide.
Company presence in Galicia
GAS NATURAL FENOSA is the leading gas and electricity utility in Galicia. Within the area of gas distribution, under its new name Nedgia Galicia, the company has a distribution network of over 3,400 kilometres and over 300,000 supply points in the 77 municipalities in Galicia where it operates. This means that, at present, 70% of the population of Galicia has access to this energy source.
The electricity distribution subsidiary Unión Fenosa Distribución is the largest electricity distributor in Galicia. It provides service to more than 1.5 million supply points in 286 municipalities in the four provinces of Galicia through a network of nearly 58,500 kilometres of high-, medium- and low-voltage lines.
As regards commercialisation, it has approximately 220,000 customers in the gas market and over 1.5 million in the electricity market.
The group also has various ordinary regime generation assets in Galicia: 1,272 MW of hydraulic, 580 MW of coal and 397 MW in combined cycles. In the special regime, it has 305 MW of wind power generation (13 wind farms in four provinces), 106 MW of small hydro power generation (nine plants) and 15 MW of cogeneration.
Furthermore, in accordance with its social responsibility policy, GAS NATURAL FENOSA is actively involved in a number of initiatives and sponsorship deals, and carries out an extensive range of social and cultural activities which are organised by the Gas Natural Fenosa Contemporary Art Museum (MAC), based in A Coruña.