
We take care of the areas surrounding our hydropower generation facilities that are part of the energy mix

We have an international hydropower production capacity of 2,2 GW
A total of 27% of the renewable energy we produced in 2022 worldwide was hydropower
  • At the end of 2022, we had a total installed hydropower capacity of 2,074 MW, split between 1,951​ MW in Spain and 123 MW in Costa Rica and Panama. We also have 111 MW of mini-hydropower.


  • With a net power generation of 1,978 GWh in Spain, including 447 GWh of mini-hydropower, and 613 GWh in the rest of the world.

Refurbishment of the penstock at the Mora de Luna Hydropower Plant

The Mora de Luna Hydropower Plant is in the north of León province and takes water from the Barrios de Luna reservoir. Although the water is mainly used for irrigation and water supplies, the Hydropower Plant regulates the discharges and generates 65 GWh of clean energy, the equivalent of the annual consumption of 19,000 households.

To ensure this is a safe, environmentally friendly operation, we have refurbished the tunnel almost 4 km long that takes the water from the reservoir to the turbines. That required over a hundred people working simultaneously for 8 months, thus avoiding numerous technical and logistical difficulties as well as the health crisis stemming from COVID-19.

Velle Hydropower Plant, Ourense
Inside the Belesar Hydropower Plant, Lugo
Belesar Hydropower Plant, Lugo
Velle Hydropower Plant, Ourense
Belesar Hydropower Plant, Lugo
Belesar Hydropower Plant, Lugo
Belesar Hydropower Plant, Lugo
Leboreiro Hydropower Plant
Velle Hydropower Plant, Ourense