Notas de prensa

The New Business Manager of Naturgy, Joaquín Mendiluce, was appointed as Chairman of the Iberian Association for Gas-powered Mobility (GASNAM) earlier today. The Board of Directors of the organisation ratified his appointment as chairman today, in representation of Naturgy and replacing José Ramón Freire, who had held the post since the association was set up in 2013.
Earlier today, the Naturgy Foundation set up the Energy Rehabilitation Solidarity Fund aimed at financing improvements in the homes of groups at risk of vulnerability, initially in the regions of Galicia, Catalonia and Madrid.
NEDGIA, the natural gas distribution company of the Naturgy group, has appointed Andrés Montero as the new General Manager of NEDGIA Galicia, its subsidiary in this region of Spain. Andrés Montero replaces Raquel Vallejo in the position, who will now go on to run the Operations Department of NEDGIA in the central and southern zones.
This morning, the components of the first wind turbines for the Merengue Wind Farm started to arrive at the site where the wind farm will be constructed.
Today, the Naturgy Foundation, Cáritas Diocesana de Santiago – Interparroquial A Coruña, the National Association of Renovation and Rehabilitation Companies (ANERR) and the Ecology and Development Foundation (ECODES).
Naturgy has started construction work on Picón I and Picón II, two new photovoltaic solar energy plants in the Ciudad Real province, more specifically in Porzuna, out of the three planned in the company’s project for this town. These facilities both have a peak capacity of 50 MWp and consist of 151,452 modules.