NEDGIA Galicia takes natural gas to Verín (Ourense)

  • Almost 2,300 homes and businesses in the town of Verín can now enjoy the benefits offered by this source of energy.

NEDGIA Galicia has converted the propane installations and equipment to natural gas for around 2,228 customers in the town of Verín (Ourense). This means nearly 5,000 residents now have access to natural gas, which is a more efficient and more environmentally friendly form of energy.

The company has also installed a 80 m3 liquefied natural gas plant to supply natural gas to the town and has connected new domestic and commercial customers who want to reap the benefits of natural gas.

The works, which were carried out swiftly and for free for the neighbours, were completed in approximately four weeks.

The distribution company has increased its operations in the town by switching its propane networks to natural gas and will continue to grow over the coming years to bring this energy to more homes, businesses and industries.

Natural gas is the cleanest, least contaminating energy source with lower CO2 emissions per unit of consumed energy, which is why it contributes to reducing the greenhouse effect. And it enables us to breathe in cleaner air because it reduces air quality pollutants to almost zero.

NEDGIA operations in Galicia

NEDGIA Cegas is the natural gas distribution company of the Naturgy group in Galicia, where it supplies natural gas to 77 municipalities, meaning that around 70% of the population has access to this source of energy. It has almost 300,000 supply points and a distribution network that spans 3,400 kilometres.
