Gas Natural Fenosa launches specific campaign aimed at the unemployed and pensioners for them to receive the subsidised rate

  • The power company is making it easier for certain social groups to receive the Subsidised Rate through proactive and personalised action.
  • GAS NATURAL FENOSA is developing a comprehensive information programme about the new subsidised rate that includes direct action with customers, communication with the public authorities and consumer associations, and meetings in various towns throughout Spain.
  • Beneficiaries of the Subsidised Rate have until 10 April to apply for this new system following a regulatory change approved by the Government of Spain in October 2017 to introduce changes in the criteria for receiving the Subsidised Rate. 

GAS NATURAL FENOSA has launched a series of actions aimed at making it easier for its customers to receive the new subsidised rate, which came into force last October and which they can apply for until 10 April. The action plan designed by the power company includes initiatives aimed at certain groups considered to be especially sensitive in this regard, such as the unemployed and pensions, in order to make it easier for them to apply for the new Subsidised Rate.

These actions include direct telephone contact with these two groups as from 1 March in order to personally explain the terms and conditions of the new Subsidised Rate and how they can apply for it, while also reminding them of the benefits and application deadline. “GAS NATURAL FENOSA is working to provide its customers with all the necessary information so they can apply for the new Subsidised Rate within the deadline and explaining, one-to-one, its advantages, processes and conditions. A power company like ours has a duty to respond to the concerns and needs of its customers”, explained Josep Codorniu, the Customer Services Manager of GAS NATURAL FENOSA.

Following the regulatory changes that came into force in October 2017, changes were made to the criteria for receiving the new Subsidised Rate. The deadline for applying for the new Subsidised Rate, which does not renew automatically, is 10 April.

Information about the new Subsidised Rate

Besides these actions, GAS NATURAL FENOSA has launched a series of initiatives aimed at providing information about the new conditions so that this information reaches everyone who needs it as quickly as possible. The company has organised these actions under three groups, aimed at customers, the public authorities and associations, as well as society in general.

On the one hand, and as from this week, all customers with a contracted supply of less than 3Kw who were already on the Subsidised Rate before will receive an email or a text message informing them about their eligibility for the new Subsidised Rate. Furthermore, the company started to send information letters and explanatory leaflets about the new conditions to all its customers on the previous version of this rate this week.

As for the public authorities and associations, GAS NATURAL FENOSA will start to send specific emails to consumer associations and social services as from this week. The power company has also contacted large families via information messages sent to the National Large Family Federation.

Furthermore, and in order to support these actions, the company will organise a programme of meetings with consumers in over 20 Spanish cities between February and May.

For more information on the new conditions, click here: Subsidised Rate.
