Notas de prensa

Snowy Hydro and GPG, a joint venture of Naturgy Energy Group, SA (75%) and the Kuwait Investment Authority (25%), announced today an agreement to build a 218 MW wind farm located at Victoria State, approximately 300 km from Melbourne.
The partnership with, follows on from other alliances that Naturgy has recently announced with brands such as and Amazon, and reflects the company's commitment to provide its customers with value based solutions.
Naturgy has completed the first stage of its 2018-2022 Strategic Plan satisfactorily, due to all commitments with its main stakeholders being met, and is undertaking to provide the Group's transformation with a renewed boost.
Naturgy is immersed in a transformation process to adapt its business to a more sustainable model. Therefore, the group has redoubled its efforts towards the environment, social action and good corporate governance (ESG) over the last two years and has set new targets in the environmental area to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 21% by 2022 compared to 2017, to reduce CO2 intensity in power generation by 22% and to ensure that 34% of generation capacity is from renewable sources.
The executive chairman of Naturgy, Francisco Reynés, presided over the company’s Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting, which was held today in Madrid fully online for the first time due to the extension of the State of Emergency. The shareholders approved the company’s results, along with its corporate management report for the financial year 2019.
Naturgy has faced a start to 2020 marked by the interruption of COVID-19, the governmental measures adopted worldwide to prevent it spreading, a very volatile macroeconomic scenario and an adverse energy scenario, primarily affected by the decreasing prices of raw materials. The company anticipated the gravity of the situation by urgently calling its crisis committee a few days before the state of alarm was decreed and adopting measures to protect its employees and support customers, shareholders and suppliers.