Notas de prensa

Through the project entitled Boosting Energy Sustainable fuels for freight Transport in European motorWays (BESTWay), GAS NATURAL FENOSA has managed to complete 70% of the Atlantic Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Corridor linking Paris and Algeciras via nine refuelling points, which is aimed at supporting the widespread roll-out of this fuel for road transportation.
Toledo Mayor, Milagros Tolón, and NEDGIA Castilla-La Mancha Managing Director, Miguel Martín de Pinto, signed a collaboration agreement today renewing the energy company’s exclusive sponsorship of several cultural activities organised by the Teatro Rojas Municipal Trust throughout 2018. The signing was also attended by provincial manager Germán Jara.
The Energy Solutions Marketing Director at Gas Natural Fenosa, Alberto Fariza, and the General Manager of Grupo Disfrimur, Juan Jesús Sánchez, have today signed an agreement for the installation of two new natural gas refuelling stations in Molida de Segura (Murcia) and Antequera (Malaga) in an event at the Grupo Disfrimur headquarters attended by the group’s Financial Director, Isabel Sánchez; the General Director of Energy and Industrial and Mining Activity of the Region of Murcia, Esther Marín; and the mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero.
The President of the Castile-La Mancha Regional GovernmentEmiliano García-Page; the Regional Minister for the Economy, Industry and Employment, Patricia Franco; the President of the Toledo Provincial Council, Álvaro Gutiérrez; the Mayor of El Carpio de Tajo, Germán Jiménez; the General Manager of Wholesale Business at GAS NATURAL FENOSA, Manuel Fernández; and the General Manager of Gas Natural Fenosa Renovables, Ana Peris, today laid the first stone at the Carpio de Tajo solar photovoltaic plant, which will be the largest facility of its kind in the province of Toledo.
Today saw the first liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunkering operation on the tanker Fure Vinga, owned by Furetank, in Europe. The vessel received 120 tonnes of this environmentally-friendly fuel from six LNG tanker trucks during an operation that took place at the Port of Cartagena. “We are happy that the first LNG bunkering operation for the Fure Vinga in Europe took place without a hitch thanks to the cooperation from all those involved, including the crew of the vessel and the port authorities, as well as the cooperation between GAS NATURAL FENOSA and Nauticor”, said Lars Höglund, CEO of Furetank.
After selling the shares in GAS NATURAL SDG S.A. owned by Repsol, S.A. to RIOJA BIDCO SHAREHOLDINGS, S.L.U., the company’s Board of Directors agreed at its session on 17 May 2018 to appoint the following people as proprietary directors via the cooptation system until the next General Shareholders' Meeting: