Naturgy launched a new campaign today aimed at all its stakeholders to explain its new visual code intended to make communication with its customers quicker and easier. The power company is thus simplifying communication with consumers and conveying the main values upheld by the brand: simplicity, innovation, experience and respect for society and the environment.
“This campaign explains that Naturgy is a new power company that has decided to build closer ties, greater simplicity and empathy with its customers. Energy in its different forms is something that forms part of people’s daily lives at home, at work, on their mobile or in their vehicle. Our company has to make life easier for customers and their families as we travel this path together. And when we talk about our customers, we’re also talking about those who for any reason (and this could happen to any of us) are experiencing tough times and find themselves vulnerable. That’s why this is not a campaign that talks about us but rather about what we can do for our customers”, explained Jordi Garcia Tabernero, Managing Director for Communication and Institutional Relations of Naturgy.
New visual code and campaign
The new simpler, more direct and hyperbole-based visual code will impact the image, texts and all audio-visual ideas from the company as from today.
Aimed at the mass media, the campaign includes an animated ad in 30- and 20-second versions, as well as 10 unique and outstanding 10-second pieces, radio advertisements and special activities. All parts of the campaign focus on those topics that the company considers of relevance to the consumer in its market studies, such as customer service, energy vulnerability, respect for the environment, climate change concerns and air quality. Each part of the campaign tries to explain Naturgy’s action in these areas.
The campaign will be especially active in innovative formats of relevance to the consumer, both the conventional media and online. The company also intends to plan various actions during the course of 2019 to further develop this new language with customers.